5 features of a successful song
We hear a lot of songs. We like some, and some we don’t. What makes us like a particular song? What are the characteristics of those songs?
Today we will be unravelling some of the characteristics of a successful song.
- Lyrics: The words and message of the song is one of the most important aspect of it. You can have great music and melodies but if your lyrics aren’t good your song will fail. Lyrics of the song is what conveys the meaning, emotion and feeling of the song. Lyrics should be paired with appropriate rhyming scheme and subject matter.
- Music: The music of the song comprises of melodies, harmonic structure that is, chord progressions, and rhythms. Music is as important as lyrics to convey the message and emotion of the song. The music must compliment the lyrics of your song in order to be effective.
- Musicianship and Artist: A song is a whole package; it isn’t just about the singer or the guitarist or the pianist. Both, the vocalists and the instrumentalists should be consistent to the genre that they are aiming to create.
- Production: This aspect consists of arrangement, music, production, record production, tracking, mixing and mastering. If the production isn’t doing their jobs right then it can harm the song and the artists involved. There are so many technicalities in production which can make or break a song. Therefore, a proper production team is an essential for a hit song.
- Promotion: This is the aspect which brings more business to your song. If you create a fabulous song, which has the potential to be a hit but the masses don’t know about it then what is the use. If you are making a song for commercial purposes and to make a name for yourself in the industry, then it is important that you promote your songs properly.
These were the 5 essential characteristics of a good song. Keep in mind that you cannot be best at everything, namely, lyricist, vocalist or instrumentalists, so you will always need a proper team working by your side to help you make the song. Other than that, if you want to be a part of song making process then it is necessary that you train yourself. There is a stiff competition in the industry, if you have a great voice but you aren’t versatile or you are unpolished it would be difficult to move ahead. So, be prepared and it is better if you take proper music lessons. If, you feel that you need some help then music classes are your way, but make sure you are consistent and regular with your music lessons. You can’t be laid back if you want to become a singing sensation and give some major hits, you got to work really hard for it.